
Loyal community supporter and on-line business shipping magnate, zappos.com, has done it again. They found yet another way to rank as one of the coolest companies in Las Vegas.

Just to give our Valley residents a “tax” break, zappos.com has teamed up with Grouchy John’s and The Beat coffee shops to provide free stamps, coffee and pastries to those mailing their tax documents….just because.

“As an organization focused on community involvement, we feel this is a great way to connect with the local Las Vegas community,” adds Jeanne Markel, Zappos Director of Downtown. “Part of the Zappos culture is to surprise and delight, which is exactly what we hope to do for those who are stressed out on Tax Day. Plus, we LOVE free shipping.”

What better way to show off their expertise than to provide a stress-free day on one of the most stressful days of the year?

While enjoying your coffee and pastry, be sure to join in on the social media fun on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook by using #MyTaxBreak.

Check out my calendar listing for more information on this RockStar event!