You’ve been there before. Rushing around trying to get ready for that big event. Dress? Check! Shoes? Check! Spanx or equivalent? Running to mall now…. Hair? Check! Nails? Darn it! Forgot nails! All I need is a 15-minute manicure and I would be set. Now where would I find such a place to offer such a service?
Why, the mall, of course! If you are a busy mom like me, and if you read my blog the chances of that statement being true are about 3 to 1, then you know how frustrating it is to make sure every last detail for that super important event for your kids or spouse is crucial. There is no time for a 4-hour day at the salon to get beautiful. Not anymore at least. Those days are long gone for me. Now, I have to time and plan everything to happen in one spot, if I can be so lucky. I have absolutely no problem getting my make-up done by my favorite artist at the Tom Ford counter in Neiman Marcus. Shoot- if they are doing blow outs that day, I sign up for one of those, too! Spanx, shoes, last minute jewelry needs all can be found between Neimans, Nordstroms and Bendels. Now tell me why I can’t get my nails done at the mall? Oh wait. I can!
LAKA Manicure Express recently set up shop at the north end of the Fashion Show Mall near the Las Vegas Strip entrance on the second level. No time like the present to race over and get a 15-minute express mani and 15-minute express pedi while completing all your tasks. I’ll admit, I am a gelish kind of gal, especially on my toes, but every now and then, I just need a quick touch-up or a mid-month fix to keep me going until that next appointment. In fact, it was one of those moments when LAKA Express Manicure invited me to come down and experience first hand what it was like to be in and out and on with my day in 30-minutes or less.

I am always a little weary of the kiosks in the mall. Come on, who isn’t? My confidence wanes with the products ingredients and quality. First things first, LAKA Manicure Express is not a kiosk, even though it does not have a traditional store front. It is set up in the center of the mall for space reasons. Second, the products are quite impressive. Not one technician was wearing a face mask here. The nail polish remover smells like strawberries (not kidding) and it is non-toxic, so I could use it on my daughter. The nail polish itself is produced by the French company Durlin, achieving highly pigmented lacquers that contain the highest quality ingredients and require only one layer to reach the color’s true tone. That’s no joke.

I opted for the Express Manicure and Pedicure. Another unique fact about a LAKA experience is there is no water used. The nail tech explained to me that water creates a platform for bacteria growth, and no water is just as effective, if not better, for polishing, massaging and a over all healthier look and glow. I had to agree. I felt like the dry scrub and rub polished my skin much better than my regular mani/pedi session. I also loved learning this about the LAKA Skin Care Products:
LAKA’s extensive line of creams, scrubs and soaps are designed to holistically care for the hands and feet. Each product is specifically formulated to refine and brighten the skin and cuticles, soothe and repair dry or cracked skin, protect the skin from free radicals and preserve the natural flexibility of the skin.
Results? The mani/pedi lasted a little over a week. The color of the nail polish I chose remained stunning for just that long. When I visited LAKA I had gelish on my toes, so the nail tech just did a scrub and rub vs an actual pedicure. The skin around my heels and toes remained silky for at least a week, which is hard to do in this dry desert air.
When you visit a LAKA Manicure Express and have a treatment done, you can purchase nail polish and products used during your service- how cool is that for touch ups and such? I felt so confident in the product, I gave my 7 year old daughter a mani/pedi at home. The polish went on so smooth and lasted for a few days, and she normally has other brands peeled off within 24-hours. And, check this out, LAKA Manicure Express has a line of colors just for Las Vegas! Sin City Sparkle adds some fun bling to your style. In fact, LAKA changes out their colors seasonally and stays on trend. Be sure to stop in next time you are at the Fashion Show Mall! No appointment is necessary!

More Info: LAKA Manicure Express launched its first United States location in Las Vegas with its signature boutique-style kiosk at Premium Outlets – South and has recently opened its newest site at Fashion Show Mall. With a focus on the latest trends, LAKA Manicure Express provides a simple, sought after solution for efficient and fashionable nail services— the 15-minute manicure. Currently reaching across multiple continents, LAKA Manicure Express has locations in Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Canada and Panama. Since the launch of its first location in Tel Aviv, LAKA Manicure Express has developed 26 stylish branches that are centrally located within select retail destinations across the globe. By regularly developing new collections of nail lacquers and innovative products to match each season’s hottest looks, LAKA Manicure Express remains on trend with the most fashionable cities in the world.
FTC DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT RockStarMom Las Vegas aims to provide unbiased editorials. However, I wish to disclose that from time to time I may receive free products or other compensation from companies for blogger reviews.
*Based on availability