Yes. Yes, I do. Every Thursday, I get my two year old twins up (OK, they get me up), diapers changed, dressed, fed and out the door by 9am just so I can make in time for our 10am Rockin’ Railroad class at Kidville Las Vegas at Tivoli Village. On most Thursdays at that time, the traffic is non-existent. I hop on the 215 West to the I-15 North to the 95 North to the Summerlin exit. It takes roughly 30-35 minutes from my home in Henderson without stopping for coffee. Locals, I’m sure, are reading this, scratching their heads and saying, “Why?”. In my opinion, having 4 kids and all, and experiencing the many similar classes in my area, I have found Kidville to be the best place to go with your kids for Mommy and Me play dates and classes in Las Vegas.
I think of it as a special day I get to spend with my boys. An excursion, if you will, to the other side of town; a day trip. We have our routine in place every Thursday. Get up, get dressed, make breakfast, Mom juices and makes a coffee to-go. Sometimes one of the grandmas will join us, and we make a day out of it. Exploring Summerlin and finding new places to eat lunch. If the weather is nice, we head over to the fun little park at Tivoli Village. Other times, Daddy meets us for lunch on his way into work. It’s hard for me to leave my little bubble in Henderson, but on Thursdays, it’s a change of perspective. Thursday is adventure day!
That’s not the only reason I love Kidville. This is my second semester with the Kidville family. The staff is crazy friendly and talented. Of course, it goes without saying that Mayor Melissa just rocks the house. I was so impressed with the first semester of taking the boys to the Run, Wiggle, Paint and Giggle class, that I went ahead and signed them up for the Rockin’ Railroad class for their second semester.
Here are my Top 5 Reasons to love the Rockin’ Railroad:
1. The classes are well thought out and structured. There is something happening every 10-12 minutes to keep my children engaged. Whether it’s a visit to Grandma’s House, a trip to the musical instrument store, storybook time, or bubbles, my boys are fully participating in everything that’s going on.
2. My kids love to dance. Love it. And, on the Rockin’ Railroad, they play a few children’s favorites while sprinkling in some fun songs even moms and dads know.
3. Real musicians, no canned music. Nuh-huh, nope, not here. There is a live band, a guitarist and singers on the Rockin’ Railroad. This also catches my twins attention as they love listening to the real sounds and watching the instruments being played because…
4. They also love to play musical instruments. Each week, the kids in the class get to experiment with a new sound and a new instrument.
5. Saving the best for last…I actually enjoy it. I look forward to Thursdays because I get to sing and dance with my kids, and watch them have an amazing time as they learn new things.
Join us! Would love to see you on the Rockin’ Railroad at Kidville every Thursday morning! Let Mayor Melissa know RockStarMom sent you and experience your first class for free!