Caller ID, Cox Communications, Cox Mobile Connect App, Digital Phone Service, Las Vegas, Phone Features, Phone Services
If you have lived in Las Vegas for some time now, you will know that not many cable companies have been able to achieve what Cox Communications has in Las Vegas. I, personally, have been a loyal customer since they first came into town, and always go Cox when managing my utilities. Initially, I chose them for their internet services finding that DSL was just way too slow and unreliable for me. Then, they came out with this awesome Bundle package…phone, cable and internet at one low price. Awesome. Sign me up!
Not too long ago I was watching TV in my room one night, the phone rang, and I noticed the name and phone number of the caller pop up on my TV screen. Could this seriously get any better? As a busy mom or four, I am often lucky to locate an actual telephone, let alone have the time to decipher which calls I should make a mad rush to the phone for. Caller ID is a must in my house because I find it to be a time efficient tool. If I cannot answer the phone for some reason, then at least being able to see who called force me to make a mental note to call them back. The problem I began running into is that my kids ages 8, 6 and 17 month old twins, love the phones! We have four throughout the house, and yet, they always seem to be lost. I put them on the charger base, next thing I know, I am finding them under the bed, shoved between couch cushions, in a doll house, the garbage…I think you get the picture. So, to have that feature pop up on my TV screen was ingenius! Now, the only problem was finding the phone so I could answer the important calls!
With the little ones putting my phones in odd places, my parents and in-laws complain about not being able to reach me. I swear, I’m not hiding, I truly am not able to find the actual phone, so I end up missing most of their calls. So, when Cox Communications reached out to me to help spread the word about their Caller ID features, I was obliged to participate and learn more about how their tools can help make my life a little easier and let my parents feel more in touch with my family’s busy schedule. They asked that both my parents and I sign up for the Cox Digital Phone Service with TV Caller ID. Done. That part was easy because we are both loyal Cox customers. But to make this task a little more interesting, I discovered the Cox Mobile Connect App for the iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones and tablets. Oh, my, goodness my world just got a whole lot brighter!
I personally get frustrated with the amount of time it takes me to set anything up. I want to have my own personal assistant walk me through, step by step, so I don’t waste any time troubleshooting on my own. I had only been on the Cox website once, and I wasn’t even sure if I knew my username and password. I requested help, and almost immediately a very kind and eager Cox Communications service rep sent me a Tweet asking how they could be of service. We took it off-line onto my email account where she walked me though the different options available for using my phone via the Cox Mobile Connect app. She also pointed out that I could manage my DVR schedule from there as well. Score!
The set-up was so super easy. Once I downloaded the app from the iPhone App Store, and figured out what my username and password was, the mobile app immediately connected to the information in my account. It knew all my land line numbers, I could manage my Call Waiting and Call Forwarding, but the best part was that it also kept a call log of all Outgoing and Incoming calls to any land line tied to my account.
I shared this information with my parents, and set the app up on their iPhones as well. My dad is a little more tech-savvy, but my mom is learning to work the app like a pro! Check back with me soon to see how we did! In the meantime, you can get started yourself. Right now through March 15th, Cox is offering a special promotion of $9.99 per month when you sign up for their Digital Phone Service. For more information on this service click here: Cox Digital Phone Promotion.
Visit the Cox Communications website, like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to get the latest tips, promotions and services available in your area!
About Cox Communications
Cox Communications is a broadband communications and entertainment company, providing advanced digital video, Internet, telephone and wireless services over its own nationwide IP network. The third-largest U.S. cable TV company, Cox serves more than 6 million residences and businesses. Cox Business is a facilities-based provider of voice, video and data solutions for commercial customers, and Cox Media is a full-service provider of national and local cable spot and new media advertising.
Cox is known for its pioneering efforts in cable telephone and commercial services, industry-leading customer care and its outstanding workplaces. For seven years, Cox has been recognized as the top operator for women by Women in Cable Telecommunications; for five years, Cox has ranked among DiversityInc’s Top 50 Companies for Diversity, and the company holds a perfect score in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. More information about Cox Communications, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cox Enterprises, is available at www.cox.com and www.coxmedia.com.
I’ve been very happy with Cox since moving to Vegas. I’m using the same exact modem and router I used in my old town and I was CONSTANTLY losing my internet connection. Since being in Vegas and having Cox, this has almost never happened…I think the only two times was when there was an outage during the middle of the night due to repairs going on somewhere. I’m a very happy customer too!
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