There is a lot to be learned your first year of blogging. One of them is to take a well-deserved break when you need one.
When I jumped onto this wild ride a year ago, I had no idea I would become so addicted to the thrill of making a name for myself in the blogging/social media community. I’ve spent a year tapping into my thoughts, practices, sharing my words, and taking pics of my kids eating, dancing, making a mess. It’s common ground now for my kids to yell out at a restaurant, “Take a picture of me doing this and when you post it on FaceBook say this.” They also stopped asking why I’m taking pictures of them holding certain products or eating certain foods. I’ve shushed them away from my desk 1000 times in a day, and have left Disney Channel to babysit (the older ones). But, alas, no more. I’m freaking exhausted!!
I stayed at home to be a mom. To care for my children, teach them, love them. But I am too much of an over achiever to just “BE” with them. I have to do a gazillion other things. I have recognized this and I now I have to do something about it.
So, this last month of summer is 90% dedicated to my kids. The other 10% will be shared between me and my husband. No more telling them, “give me a few more minutes,” or missing cuddle time in bed. I took this job so I don’t have to miss those moments, and here I am missing them! I also need some much needed rest. I need to gather my thoughts and re-organize my blog. And I need some good ol’ inspiration to keep you guys engaged!
- I’ll still be active on Facebook and Twitter because I have some cool give-aways going on. All things I like: Yoga, Wine and Spa! So make sure you are Following me and Like me to better your chances to win!
- I’m super excited about the Smith Center and Symphony Park project happening in Downtown Las Vegas…get ready for some great posts that are going to blow your mind!
- I will be honing my blogging skills at BlogHer ’11 in San Diego.
I love that you’re taking a break to get some much needed rest and spend quality time with your beautiful family. I’ve always wondered (and still do) how you keep all the balls in the air. You amaze me. Enjoy your time with your loved ones. See you next month! Yay! xo
Funny I’ve sort of unexpectedly done the same. I hadn’t intended to give up posting but it’s definitely taken a back seat since early July. A month from now I’ll have three in school and plenty of time (i hope) to catch up. Good for you for making the time for your kids…you’ll never get these moments back! Maybe we can meet up with the kids at a splash park or something! I’d love to see you again!
Good for you! Although you will be missed! At least you won’t be gone from Fb! 😉