Today’s post is sponsored by Macy’s and Martha Stewart through the Everywhere Society.
Let’s just call a spade a spade. I don’t bake. In fact, it terrifies me whenever my kids want home made cookies, cupcakes or cakes. I am the first person to call in the reinforcements, or just call the local bakery. A blogger colleague hit the nail on the head for me- baking has to be exact. There is no room for error. I need flexibility and a bit of creativity, which is why I am not a great baker. I can’t hide my mistakes. On the other hand, I love to think that one of these days I will get it right, and my friend Martha Stewart will walk me right through how to make a perfect torte or a splendidly, moist two-layer chocolate cake like I am an old pro. If that doesn’t work out, then at least I have the pretty pictures to wish upon.
The latest recipe book to join the Martha Stewart Living collection is Martha Stewart’s Cakes. Her first-ever book of bundts, loaves, layers, coffee cakes and more is beautifully designed and photographed. The cakes almost pop off the pages and onto my cake plate. I actually really wish they would. The recipes are inspiring asking for ingredients like butter, chocolate, egg whites and ginger making me want to try every single one of them. There are even a few recipes adapted for vegan diets.
The first ice-box cake I ever had was made by my sister-in-law. I never knew what one was before. There is an entire chapter dedicated to them in Martha Stewart’s Cakes book. They look so good and not too challenging. Look at how yummy this Mint Chocolate Chip Cake looks.
Last week I was invited to meet Martha Stewart at the Macy’s Home Store in Las Vegas. I was sent a copy of her new Cakes book, and had the opportunity to have Martha sign my copy. She was quite pleasant, asking what I blogged about and how my day was going. She also mentioned that she enjoys Vegas- which is always nice to hear. Her elegant signature was done effortlessly and in the same amount of time I sign off on all my kid’s homework. I have to admit, it was pretty cool to experience. I mean, who hasn’t pined over her perfectly decorated wedding cakes in the past? Or brought a picture of the perfect baby shower cake to your local baker carefully scored from right out of her magazine? She’s the face that launched the DYI revolution. How could I not be excited to meet her!
The Martha Stewart’s Cakes book is available at, but you can enter to win your own copy right here on RockStarMom Las Vegas. Just leave a comment below telling me your favorite type of bundts, loaves, layers, or coffee cakes– but make sure you enter through the Rafflecopter so your entry gets included in the drawing. See more from my day at Macy’s and meeting Martha in the video below, courtesy of Desiree Peeples of Mommy Reporter.
Thank you Everywhere Society, Macy’s and Martha Stewart for sponsoring today’s post and give-away. As a member of the Everywhere Society, I was invited to the event, compensated for my time and story, and sent a copy of the Martha Stewart’s Cakes book. All words and opinions are my own.
My favorite cake is red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting!
I love tulips or any other purple flower. I also love cake