When I was living in San Diego, attending school there, I made the conscience decision to eat as naturally and healthy as I possibly could. This also meant including the proper nutritional supplements into my every diet regimine. At the time, it wasn’t as easy to find products that were made with whole foods. And, when I moved back to Las Vegas, it was even more difficult to find. It was a constant challenge, and it was expensive. Even more expensive than it is now, because it wasn’t mainstream back then. Fast forward 17 years later, and look who’s shopping in the organic aisles in the grocery stores and at Whole Foods! Not bragging, but am much happier that these products are easier to locate and much more affordable for the every day consumer to buy.
When I was preggers with the twins, I came across this brand of prenatal vitamins, Perfect Prenatal by New Chapter Organics. I had not done any research on them, and there was not a Whole Foods member available to ask. I read the ingredients and the description. I read, “a whole food supplement,” and I was sold. With my previous pregnancies, I took prenatal vitamins perscribed by my doctor. I didn’t quite understant, being new to the pregnancy thing and all, that I had choices. I knew I didn’t want a grocery store prenatal filled with additives and little benefit, but I also wanted my babies to have all the nutirents they needed. I went with what my doctor prescribed. I was definitely more seasoned by my third pregnancy, and having been much more aware of my own needs for nutrition, I really wanted to use something that was organic, all natural and provided the most vitamins and nutrients possible. When I mentioned to someone’s opinion I respect in regards to whole food nutrition that I was taking the New Chapter Organic Perfect Prenatal, they responded with, “Wow. That’s the best one you can buy over the counter.” I was eccstatic for trusting my motherly instincts!
Though I was expected to take the vitamins 3xs a day, the one thing that made it great was that I could literally take them without food. Past prenatal vitamins made me sick and nauseous, and when you are already dealing with Morning Sickness that lasts all day, that is one thing that will discourage you from taking what you need to provide for you and your baby. I loved them so much, I even took them after the babies were born, the duration of nursing them, and continued on for almost a year. Because I was so impressed with the product, when New Chapter Organics asked if I would try out two of their other products, I was happy to help spread the word. My twins were over 6 pounds each when born, I’m thinking the right nutrition and supplements had something to do with that!
I was sent a bottle of the Perfect Prenatal, WholeMega and Zyflamend Whole Body. Since I was no longer preggers, I sent the prenatals to friend of mine who I knew would aprreciate the whole food benefit of them. Happily, I took the WholeMega and Zyflamend. According to Dr. Oz, there are three things you should look for when buying an Omega3 supplement:
- Fish oil supplements vary in the amounts and ratios of DHA and EPA they contain. For example, salmon oil naturally contains more DHA than EPA; a supplement derived from algae may only contain DHA. Krill oil contains significant amounts of both EPA and DHA. Read the labels and remember whatever supplement you buy, it must have at least 600 mg of DHA.
- Be aware that only about one-third of the oil from fish is rich in EPA and DHA. Many supplements also contain vitamin E or other antioxidants to stabilize the oils and prevent them from becoming rancid. If you choose to buy a fish oil supplement, check the label carefully to see if it recommends refrigeration to prevent spoiling.
- Most brands of fish oil have been proven safe, free of detectable traces of mercury, and do not contain unsafe levels of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), a toxin and pollutant believed to pose various health threats. To avoid contaminants in an unrefined supplement, it’s best to choose a fish oil supplement made from small, oily fish like anchovy, sardines or menhaden.
The New Chapters WholeMega contains extra-virgin, 100% wild Alaskan salmon, 220 mg of DHA, but several other omegas and vitamin D, which is a necessary nutritional need, especially for women. My thoughts with Vitamin D, is I’ll take it wherever I can get it. The WholeMega is naturally gluten free, and are prepared without any chemical solvents and are BSE free. The real decision factor was the taste. Now, let’s get real, was WholeMega going to cause me to burp up fish? If you take an Omega3, you know what I’m talking about! The answer, no. I was pleasantly surprised that I had no fishy-after taste hours later.
I was also given the opportunity to try out the Zyflamend Whole Body product, one that offers antioxidants and other herbs to support a healthy whole body and reduce inflamation, specifically geared towards cardiovascular and joint. The benefit I found in taking this supplement 2xs a day, was that I just felt good. Having 4 kids and being a WAHM, I don’t get the luxury to work out on a whim. I know I am way out of shape from my pre-pregnancy body. My body misses and craves yoga and running, and I ache from being at a computer most of the day. The Zyflamend Whole Body wasn’t a cure-all, but I could really tell the difference in my energy and just being while taking it. I’m looking forward to adding the Zyflamend to my daily routine during the Re-Invent Yourself Challenge. I’m excited to see the results of combining the natural herbs and a consistent work-out routine. I think it’s going be awesome, and I’m going to feel amazing!
Just as I was getting ready to write my review of the New Chapter Organics product, Goop published their review on the Perfect Prenatal. Even more evidence that it truly is a great product for expecting mothers. Since my initial contact with the company, they have since been acquired by P&G as a wholly owned subsidiary. You can learn more about this by watching the video from New Chapter founders, Paul & Barbie Schulick.
I was given the Perfect Prenatal, WholeMega and Zyflamend Whole Body in compensation for my review to share with my readers. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
What a strange video to post to your blog.
Not sure your info on “whatever supplement you buy, it must have at least 600 mg of DHA.” is correct. The New Chapter salmon oil certainly doesn’t have that much.
Otherwise, you are right that these are excellent products!
Hi Debbie!
Thanks for stopping by. The video is in regards to the sale of the company to P&G. The owners of New Chapter felt passionate enough to speak to the sale, and I felt it was proper to support that.
The info of the 600mg comes from Dr. Oz, as stated above. Those are just his recommendations, as a guideline so to speak. I am not a nutrition expert, nor do I claim to be. Obviously, the products and amounts you choose need to be right for your body.
Thanks again!