I just had to. I had to do it. I had to recruit an Extreme Couponer to guest post on my site. With four mouths to feed, and two of them having to eat the most expensive food in the world right now (yes, I’m convinced formula, at least at the rate these two eat, is just as expensive as 1oz of the Golden Osetra I indulged in a few months ago!), coupons are a necessity in my household. I’ve clipped, I’ve “liked” and “joined” websites and Facebook pages, but I just don’t get the whole process. I needed someone to actually sit down with me and show me how, step by step, to save big dollars.
Amanda Cox is a certified Grocery Smarts Instructor who leads FREE courses on extreme couponing, right here in Las Vegas and Henderson. Why miss the chance to jump at that opportunity to learn how to save? We met via our Vegas Mommy’s Facebook Page. She was born and raised in Las Vegas, and she is our RockStarMommy of the Week!
Hi Vegas Mommies!
I’m Amanda the LV Coupon Geek! I teach FREE coupon classes all around
town and can get people set up with Sunday only newspaper
subscriptions (to get the coupons) to help save you money!
A little about my family:
I grew up in Las Vegas (go Western Warriors!) and would often help my
mom clip coupons for items we thought we would use only to have those
coupons expire or get lost before we even made it to the store. I
grew up believing that store brands would always be cheaper than name
brands, too.
I met my hubby during our senior year of high school, but we didn’t get married until 5 years later. He was so excited that I could cook a homemade
meal, and use coupons to save us money. His family basically had a list of 7 of their favorite restaurants and would rotate the take out/ to
go menus each week, picking a different dinner spot each night. It
was quite a dinner revolution at our house that first year of
marriage- eat out or cook something from scratch. I was a teacher and
he was self-employed, we could afford to eat out if we wanted so we did!
Fast forward to now:
I’ve been married for 7 years (eternity to go) and we have 3 kiddos. I
stay at home while dear hubby goes to work. The
days of eating out, impulse buying, splurging on clothes, and buying
everything from the big box warehouse store because it is convenient
is totally over.
I’m here to tell you that times are a changing! Not only is the
economy changing, but how you can save money is also changing, and
this change is for the better. Just when you don’t think you can
pinch any more pennies I assure you that your grocery budget can
budge! Coupons are like currency and can help you pay for your
groceries. The days of clipping coupons only to have them expire or
get lost at the bottom of your bag are over. And, if you’ve watched
those extreme shoppers on tv I’m here to reassure you that you don’t
need 20+ hours a week to scour the internet for deals!
I am a certified Grocery Smarts Instructor who will be sharing with
you the following tips and tricks to get started with coupons:
- how to interpret coupons
- where to find coupons
- how to organize and save time by using coupons
Most importantly I will tell you how to use coupons effectively to get items for FREE and close to FREE just like those shoppers on tv! You don’t have to be extreme to save money at the store. Stay tuned for my upcoming post, right here on Inside the Mind of a RockStarMom.
Until then, visit her Facebook page for more info on Daily Deals!
Hello Amanda, I as well love my coupons & get made fun of for using them, but I always say there is nothing embarrassing about saving $. I would like to know when & where your classes are? Thanks for the blog!
That sounds really interesting! AND useful!!!
Awesome. I have tried to get the whole couponing thing and not been successful. I spend like 3 hours in the store and didn’t use 1/2 my coupons. Crazy. We have couponer in my church he is getting to the extreme level. I will bother him to until I get it.
You can be extreme or as moderate as you want when it comes to using coupons! I teach lots of FREE in home Grocery Smarts couponing classes as well as big public classes in Summerlin and Green Valley each month. I’ll post upcoming class info on my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/lvgrocerysmarts.
You’re welcome to contact me for more info: amanda@lvgrocerysmarts.com (702) 508-8269