RockStarMom is not an easy name to live up to. There is so much that goes into achieving those ranks, and of course, it is different for everyone. Fortunately, I know many RockStarMoms who keep me on my toes on a daily basis. Jennifer Garhardt is one of them.
I first met Jenn 11 years ago when she started dating my husband’s best friend. Since then, we have been through thick and thin with new homes, babies, and husband’s demanding work loads. I am always so impressed by the way she is able to organize her day to satisfy the needs of her husband, kids and herself, so flawlessly. Seriously, she cooks gourmet meals almost every night, gets her kids across town for school several times a week, washes, irons and lays out her husband’s scrubs for him nightly, and still manages to find time to work out and spend time with her girlfriends. That’s pretty RockStar to me! Jenn has always selflessly dedicated the first few years of her girls’ lives to caring for them. Everything she did, routines, classes, naps, meals, was scheduled around what was best for her daughters. This year, her youngest finally achieved pre-school level, and Jenn decided to take advantage of that new found “Me-Time”. Like many SAHMs aspire to find, Jenn was looking for a motivational and inspiring company to work for, on her own time, that she believed in. She found that in Nerium, a skincare product that made her an instant small business owner.
RSMLV: Tell my readers a little about yourself. Where are you from? How long have you lived in Las Vegas? Interests, hobbies, etc.
JG: I moved to Las Vegas 16 years ago from San Francisco, Bay Area, met my husband almost 11 years ago, and we have two little girls. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. One of my favorite Vegas past times is experiencing new restaurants, and I love to travel.
RSMLV: Let’s chat about Nerium International. How did you get involved with the company?
JG: A good friend of mine introduced Nerium AD to me less than a year ago. After watching a short video about the product and company and hearing the excitement in my friends voice, I knew this was exactly what I was looking for. With my daughters, ages 6 and 3 getting older and both of them in school, I wanted to do something with my free time, while bringing home extra money but being able to work at home. Working for Nerium AD as an Independent Brand Partner provides me with exactly what I was looking for. When people ask if I work I always say no, then I realize, I do but it just doesn’t feel like it. I have reconnected with very good friends and made many new ones. I found something that energizes and excites me.
RSMLV: What about Nerium AD makes you so passionate and happy to be there?
JG: Reconnecting with old friends and making so many new ones has been amazing. The company is more of a family than a company. They are so supportive and everybody does what they can to help everyones else out. They are also generous with incentives including iPads, Lexus bonuses, all expense paid trips to Cabo San Lucas, and live better bonuses of $25,000.00 and up. They have changed so many peoples’ lives and give back in so many ways.
RSMLV: That is so great to hear! What are some of the ways they are giving back to the communities they are involved in?
JG: They give back in so many ways. They recently partnered up with Big Brothers Big Sisters and completely fund Nerium Biotech. We began our partnership with Big Brothers and Big Sisters in September 2012, and in December we had earned $83,500.00 towards their goal for 2013, which is to earn over $200,000.00. Starting in March we will seek to partner with additional non profit organizations. We also have the Nerium Gives Back program where we give back 30% of total profits to Nerium Biotech, which does research for skin cancer, alzetimers and many more.
RSMLV: Anything else you would like to share about the company?
JG: Nerium AD was an accidental discovery. When trying to research cures for skin cancer, they realized they were not curing cancer, but were in fact having amazing results with fine lines, wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, pore size, age and sun spots and emerging lines.
RSMLV: This is great information! Thanks for sharing this with my readers, Jenn. I am so happy you have found something that inspires you! Where can people go to find out more about Nerium AD and connect with you?
JG: Thank you! Yes, I am on track for receiving my $500.00 a month Lexus bonus and will become a National Marketing Director within the next 6 months which I will earn a $25,000.00 Live Better Bonus. We will be extending to Canada and Mexico very soon and going global shortly after. For more information, you can visit my websites either or or
There you have it…another Vegas Woman Who Rocks!